One Billion New Windows will be sold by 2030

December 1, 2015

According to market forecasts by Glass for Europe one billion new windows will be sold by 2030.

They have forecasted this due to their estimates regarding European windows. Glass for Europe estimates that:

  • 85% of glazing is inefficient
  • 44% of glazing is single glazed
  • 42% is outdated double glazing

According to their report the demand for glazing could lead to:

  • A reduction of 100 million tonnes of C02 annually, thanks to energy efficient windows
  • A reduction of up to 70% for household energy costs by 2050
  • Up to 14% more jobs by 2050

Glass for Europe states that the “Modern glazing solutions available on the market are between 5 and 8 times more insulating than the old solutions”.
If the actual figures turn out to be anywhere near what Glass for Europe has estimated, this will be fantastic for the industry.

To see the full report click here.


We install our energy saving double glazed windows across the Wirral, Liverpool, North West & North Wales. For the best energy saving windows the Wirral has to offer, please call us on 0151 645 3830 or fill out our enquiry form.



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