Tips for maintaining your double glazed windows

December 8, 2015
If you have installed double glazed windows it is sensible to carry out regular maintenance, to look after your investment and reduce the effects of the weather, pollution and general wear and tear. Bebington Glazing has compiled some tips to help you maintain your double glazing.

Why do windows mist?

December 19, 2014
One of the most reasons for people to find themselves in need of double glazing repairs in misted windows. Not only does this make your windows look old, tired and untidy, but it can obscure your visibility when looking out. This is a particular problem if you have invested in a picturesque garden or have bought a house with amazing views. More importantly, it can affect the value of your home should you choose to sell it.

Hanging Christmas Decorations on your Windows?

December 12, 2014
Christmas is almost upon us and it is time to get festive! Get those decorations out, make the house look all Christmassy and invite your friends and family round to your home to show off all the pretty colours and lights around your house. A popular way to add a festive touch to a room is to hang decorations around the windows. This could be Christmas lights, tinsel or anything you choose. The trouble is, in a few weeks you will be taking it back down and you will want to restore your home exactly to how it was.

Should you repair or replace your double glazing?

November 18, 2014
There are several reasons why your double glazing can go wrong. If you develop problems with your windows, many double glazing salesmen will try and convince you that you need the whole unit replacing. Double glazing is advancing all the time and there are distinct advantages is getting new units. However, this is very costly and may not always be the correct option for your windows.